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Join the ESP Haarlem community

How to join

If you haven't been to Monday morning playgroup before and would like to see if it's a good fit for you, come and join us! You don't need to join ESP to come for the first time, just come and say hello.


If you decide you would like to join, there are two options:


If you would like to join ESP and also pay in advance for playgroup for the year, please choose Annual Membership Plus.


To join ESP Haarlem without including the whole year of playgroup, please choose Annual Membership. If you decide you would like to come to some playgroup sessions in 2024, we would love to see you! You can pay separately per session with the member playgroup single session of €2.50 per child.


Starting in 2024, we are offering a Monday morning playgroup-only option, called our guest playgroup single session for €3.50 per child. This is for those who only want to join us on Monday mornings, but not the ESP memberships (events and other meet-ups).


The annual membership fee is used to hire venues and organize events for all of our members throughout the year.

Playgroup Sessions

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